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Texas Instruments continues to be depressed this year, catalyzing the change of IC distribution mode

In the early morning of the 22nd day of Beijing time, Texas Instruments (TI) released its Q3 results this year after the closing of the US stock market. According to the latest financial report, TI's Q3 revenue this year is 3.771 billion US dollars, down 11% year-on-year; its operating profit is 1.425 billion US dollars, down 9% year-on-year. In addition, in the first two quarters of this year, TI's revenue and profit also fell year-on-year. For Q4 this year, TI's outlook is only $3.07-3.33 billion of revenue, which is a big gap with the previous expectation of $3.6 billion. From this point of view, TI's downturn this year will run through the whole year, and this downturn also confirms the overall situation of this year's semiconductor industry is not optimistic. Looking back at the implementation of direct selling by TI's three agents at the beginning of this month, the fundamental reason is that the original factory has changed itself in the face of new demands, but this year's sluggish performance may also promote Ti to make this decision in order to maintain the level of profit as much as possible.

At present, as the largest simulator factory, TI's market share can't be further improved. Facing the industry headwind, it is inevitable to start from itself. However, compared with the original factory, those forced to "out" of the distributors can only passively bear the impact. Therefore, we have seen that the traditional distribution mode is the first thing the IC industry blows against the wind, which has attracted the attention of the whole industry.



Contact: byron He

Phone: 13631550710

Tel: 0755-82077070


Add: Room712,7/F,Huashengda Building,Futian District,Shenzhen

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